Axel Gouala


Looking at a blackbird

Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau
curated by Nelly Kuch


That which is visible is obvious. That which is indefinite seems to elude our attention. The in-between, in likeness to a vacuum, cannot be contextualised, impossible to compare with our treasure trove of readymade references or classify in a meaningful way. As such states are difficult to grasp immediately, further cognitive links with these phenomena are needed in order to consciously gain experience in these spaces. The more often we enter such spaces, the more flexible and natural moving within them becomes, triggering a shift from formlessness to meaning, until once again further in-betweens begin to open up.

The in-between has many levels of meaning. The exhibition at Kunstverein Freiburg aims to explore what can unfold in these supposedly empty spaces, in intermediary stages, in intermissions and in gaps. Looking at a blackbird invites you to unravel open ends and stroll in between the most varied of spaces.

The Regionale is a border-defying project that is unique in this regard. As each year comes to a close, nineteen institutions in three countries display artistic perspectives from the trijunction between Switzerland, France and Germany.

Artists: Pável Aguilar, Claudia Borowsky, Axel Gouala, Anuk Jovović, Daniel Kurth, Johanna Locher, Daniela Petrini, Lisa Schittulli, Jamila Wallentin, Katharina Anna Wieser, Vital Z‘Brun

Curator: Nelly Kuch